Specialized technical assistance in international projects and consultancies.

For consulting companies or projects financed by multilateral organizations

These are some of the projects I have been involved in lately:



Master Trainer in the LoveAct project: “living a positive and intersectional comprehensive sexuality education for the prevention of gender-based violence (EU co-funded)



Expert in Sexual Health and Rights for the Conversextion project (funded by AECID)


Gender Policy

Coordinator of a team of experts in education and sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Project “Mise en oeuvre de la politique genre dans le secteur de l’éducation dans les régions de San Pedro et du Gbêkê, Cöte d’Ivoire” ( funded by Millennium challenge Account – Côte d’Ivoire)

For consulting companies or projects financed by multilateral organizations

Technical assistance in international projects and consultancies

I am an international consultant and expert in projects, consultancies, tenders and technical assistances within the international cooperation for development, humanitarian action and social inclusion sectors.

Specialized in gender issues, sexual and reproductive health and rights, diversity and inclusion, all throughout the whole project management cycle, from identification, formulation and monitoring to evaluation.

I offer my services in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French.

What they say from my work:

Choose a consultancy focused on sustainable human development to achieve maximum results and a greater impact on societies.